你要坐机场快线就是单独一个票,坐到Paddington,然后你继续坐地铁或者打车或者巴士全随你的,这个是独 ...
Lin 发表于 2016-5-10 14:15


2016-5-10 15:32 


2016-5-10 16:29 

对,你别退卡啊,因为Oyster一直可以用的,你退了人家还想要呢! (话说退卡也要排队,怪麻烦的)


2016-5-10 16:41 


2016-5-10 16:42 

No longer need your Oyster card?
If you no longer need your Oyster card, you can get a refund for:

Any unused pay as you go credit
The remaining value of any Travelcard or Bus & Tram Pass season ticket
Your deposit
If you've got a contactless and Oyster account and have added the details of your Oyster card to it, you can apply for a refund online.

Your Oyster card will be stopped when you apply for a refund and you won't be able to use it again.

If you don't have a contactless and Oyster account, you may be able to get a refund from a Tube station ticket machine if your card has:

No more than £10 pay as you go credit
No valid season ticket


2016-5-10 16:45 

回复 53# Lin


2016-5-11 08:47 

回复  Lin

    多谢Lin大。所以我可以退回我充值的钱中未使用的部分,(例如我信用卡充值了20英镑,只 ...
conan 发表于 2016-5-11 08:47

   我只能确定余额全部退出,不清楚是否能退指定金额,这个需求。。靠你实验了,哈哈~  话说反正都是机器上操作,你就先冲少点,然后马上给退出来,看看怎么退,再决定冲多少好啦~   或者拿到卡后,你第一步别充值,先把里面的余额给退出来(大于10磅的话,反正各种变通方法)~

2016-5-11 10:06 

回复 55# Lin


Thank you for your feedback form on 11 May 2016 about an Oyster card query.

If you add £20 to the Oyster card that will bring your balance to £23 in total.

For you to get a refund of any remaining balance on the Oyster card the card will have to be cancelled.

Your friend may want to keep the card for future use, so it's best to take it back with £16 credit on it.

Alternatively, you can add £10 credit to the card, and if you need to add more credit to it you can.

If you have any further questions please get in touch.

I trust that you find this information useful.

2016-5-13 16:54 
